Do age, hormones and pregnancy actually affect weight loss?

Many women believe that their age, hormones or the fact that they've had children prevents them from losing weight. This is simply not true.


While these factors can affect your body, they DO NOT make weight loss impossible.


How age affects our weight:

As we age, our metabolic rate deceases, making it easier to gain weight. We also lose muscle as we age which contributes to a slower metabolism. 

How to avoid this:

Strength train and stay active to maintain muscle and prevent loss of muscle as you get older. This will help keep your metabolism up to speed.


How hormones affect our weight:

Hormones regulate our metabolism and appetite. While unbalanced hormones will not directly cause weight gain, they can influence appetite which may lead to cravings and over eating.

How to avoid this:

If you do have cravings or an increased appetite due to unbalanced hormones, you can consume foods that are high in protein and fibre as these will keep you full and prevent over eating.


How pregnancy affects our weight:

Pregnancy can cause a hormonal imbalance which can lead to cravings and over eating. Many new mums are also fatigued. Fatigue can lead to an increase in ghrelin production - this is the hunger hormone and can result in an increased food intake.

How to avoid this:

Focus on consuming nutrient dense meals that will regulate hunger and stabilise blood sugar levels. Staying hydrated will also help prevent cravings. Meal planning can be challenging for busy mums, but with the right practical tips you can stay on track.


Here are the top 3 essentials I recommend for weight loss:

1. Create a calorie deficit. This is best done through your diet.

2. The right physical activity. I would recommend strength training in most cases. This is more beneficial than cardio for weight loss.

3. The right mindset. A positive, growth mindset is essential for weight loss. Having limiting beliefs or being in victim mode will stop you from losing weight long term.


Whether you are dealing with age, hormones or postpartum, remember that these are NOT an obstacle to weight loss. Your body is not 'broken,' and with the right support, you can achieve your weight loss goals.


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