I get asked about 'diets' all the time. Personally, I don't like the word 'diet.' Because it is associated with restriction and negativity. I like to refer to the way we eat as a nutritional lifestyle.

There are many types of nutritional lifestyles, you could be plant based, keto, dairy free... the list goes on. And with all the contradicting information out there, it can get really overwhelming! So here are my simple tips for choosing the best diet for YOU.

Tip # 1: Identify the reason 
Often people will ask for my opinion on a diet without actually knowing what they want or expect out of it. Identify why you want to change your nutritional lifestyle in the first place. If you currently have good energy throughout the day, don't experience any gut discomfort and are happy with what you see in the mirror, then congratulations! You probably don't need to change your 'diet.'

If you didn't answer yes to all of the above, then identify why you think a change in nutritional lifestyle is the answer for you.

Tip # 2: Is it science based? 
Do your research to see if that diet is science based. Go back to tip one and identify WHY you need to change your diet and if the science actually backs it up. For example, let's say you want to lose weight. We all know that weight loss comes down to consuming less calories than what you burn. Does that diet put you in a calorie deficit?

Tip # 3: Is it sustainable?
If your diet involves you not eating for two days, are you going to be able to sustain that? The reason why many diets fail is because many of them are hard to sustain! If you're looking for long term results, you need to find something that suits your lifestyle and that you can consistently stick to long term.

Tip # 4: Is it satisfying?
Will you actually enjoy this nutritional lifestyle? Most of us will have some kind of emotional attachment to food and for many of us, it's a huge part of our culture. If your diet is leaving you feeling restricted and making you lose your mind, then it's probably not the one for you...

Tip # 5: Does it fuel your body sufficiently?
If you're looking at a diet that cuts out vegetables, then it might be time to move on... while you would already know that I don't believe in 'good' or 'bad' foods, we still need to include sufficient nutrients in our diets. An easy way to check, is to see how colourful your meals look. If you're eating a rainbow, then you're most likely getting in your fruits and vegetables!

Are you feeling overwhelmed with food and don't know where to start?

I can help you become confident, instead of fearful about food.


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